How does Yoga Build Pain tolerance?

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May 09

Yoga Building Pain Tolerance

Out of great many benefits of Yoga, is the one that is called “dvandva sahanam” which means we are able to withstand the extremes. Now when look at concept of pain, pain is a form of suffering where we are unable to allow resources of our body to face the challenges that it receives.

Some of these challenges are coming from within us, some of these challenges are coming from outside us, some of these challenges areexpected, some of these challenges areunexpected.

Now in this conflicting environment where the dualities of life are pulling us from one side to the other if we don’t remain centered and anchored, we will eventually collapse and when we are not actually centered we suffer with pain whether it is:

  • Physical pain
  • Emotional pain
  • Psychological pain.

Yoga helps us to reconnect with our core strength in our heart and in our gutand therefore bring in the capacity to be stable even in an unstable environment and when we can remain stable when things around us are unstable we will have a great tolerance towards the dualities and therefore to pain.

That’s how yoga helps us to build tolerance towards the extremes of life which make our life often challenging.

By Dr.Kausthub Desikachar